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Con Alma Health Foundation

Vaccine Rollout Grant Recipients

Jul 15, 2021

The New Mexico Immigrant Law Center and New Mexico Black Leadership Council are among the 27 nonprofits receiving grants for the first phase of Con Alma Health Foundation’s vaccine equity project. We are awarding $600,000 statewide to ensure Covid-19 vaccines are distributed equitably across the state and to address the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on certain populations.

With a $2.5 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, we are partnering with the New Mexico Department of Health to promote the equitable allocation, distribution, delivery and access to vaccines. We will open applications for the project’s second phase of grantmaking in September. Sign up for email updates here on our Grant Cycle Information email list or text GRANTCYCLES to 22828.

In addition to the grant awards to nonprofits, Con Alma is working with the New Mexico Health Equity Partnership, an initiative of the Santa Fe Community Foundation, to expand the capacity of existing networks to address service gaps, leverage resources, and create a Covid-19 recovery plan that focuses on long-term policies and system-change strategies that address health disparities and advance health equity.

Since the pandemic started, Con Alma has sought grants to assist people devastated by the pandemic and help strengthen the state’s infrastructure and safety net so New Mexico is better prepared for a public health crisis.

Vaccine Rollout Grants, promoting the equitable allocation, distribution, delivery, and access to vaccines. (27 grants, totaling $600,000)

We are honored to support our Vaccine Rollout Grant Recipients!

Battered Family Services ($25,000) to ensure the equitable allocation, distribution, delivery and access to the COVID-19 vaccine in the Gallup area

Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Fe/Del Norte ($25,000) to provide pandemic-related information and easier access to vaccinations by making Club facilities available as vaccination sites to children and families served throughout Northern New Mexico

Cavern City Child Advocacy Center ($25,000) to increase the vaccine rates of non-vaccinated citizens in Eddy and Lea counties

Centro Savila ($25,000) to provide outreach, education, and resource navigation to increase vaccinations among immigrants and native Spanish speakers

Chainbreaker Collective ($25,000) to conduct door-to-door engagement in areas of Santa Fe that are highly vulnerable during COVID-19, and to conduct at least one vaccine event at the Southside library with a focus on Spanish speakers and youth

El Calvario United Methodist Church ($25,000) to facilitate vaccination outreach, education and distribution to communities (Hatch, Garfield, Radium Springs, Rincon, and Salem) in Northern Doña Ana County with a focus on populations who face multiple barriers due to immigration status, immobility, language, poverty, and lack of nearby health infrastructure

Friendship Club ($10,000) to offer vaccinations in a safe and inviting atmosphere with extended open hours at its centrally located site in Santa Fe

Health Action New Mexico ($25,000) to determine locations of vaccination gaps and provide appropriate outreach for farmworkers and their families, and for rural, isolated Hispanic older adults who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated in the colonias of Southern New Mexico

Health Equity Alliance for LGBTQ New Mexicans ($25,000) to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates for LGBTQ+ New Mexicans by understanding vaccine hesitancy, developing effective messaging and outreach, and leveraging strategic partnerships to distribute materials throughout New Mexico

Igbo Union of New Mexico, Inc ($25,000) to translate, transcribe, adapt, distribute, and provide one-on-one explanations of COVID-19 vaccine information to families and individuals of the African community in Albuquerque

Justice Access Support and Solutions for Health dba Casa de Salud ($25,000) to build on-site infrastructure for vaccine administration, provide creative outreach to marginalized people who access care at the clinic, and expand nursing support to effectively administer more than 1,800 vaccines at the clinic in the South Valley of Bernalillo County

La Familia Medical Center ($25,000) for grassroots outreach events and education activities in the Hispanic/Latinx community in Santa Fe to break through barriers of vaccine hesitancy, increase vaccine participation and provide referral/financial assistance to this underserved at-risk population

Mora Valley Community Health Services, Inc. ($25,000) to lead the only consistent COVID-19 testing and vaccination site in Mora County

New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils ($10,000) to support statewide health council communication about vaccines by developing website and social media content to include messaging samples, community resources, vaccine events and community meetings coordinated by health councils, and the opportunity for health councils to share stories about their work

New Mexico Association of Grantmakers ($25,000) to coordinate outreach and communication with various stakeholders and partners in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates in New Mexico, especially among vulnerable communities most impacted by the pandemic; and to support and strengthen the nonprofit sector adversely impacted by COVID-19

New Mexico Black Leadership Council ($25,000) to overcome vaccine hesitancy by creating a media outreach campaign that focuses on why the vaccine is not a part of the historic trauma that Black/African American communities have faced with the medical system

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center ($25,000) to perform direct individual education and to publish online educational material related to the COVID-19 vaccine, with a specific focus on the immigrant community and the factors that contribute to vaccine hesitancy in this population across the state

New Mexico Public Health Association ($25,000) to support and strengthen statewide public health and health equity efforts that promote and leverage coordination, communication, and multi-sector collaboration specific to vaccine rollout and equitable community rebuild

New Mexico Social Justice Equity Institute ($25,000) for COVID-19 vaccine education and promotion efforts, specifically to those in rural areas and those who are unsheltered in McKinley County

New Mexico State University Foundation ($25,000) to ensure more homeless/near-homeless/low-income people in Doña Ana County receive COVID-19 vaccines by identifying access difficulties, service gaps and reasons for vaccine hesitancy, and providing a series of vaccine information workshops to educate people, and recruit and train community health workers from the homeless population to serve as outreach leaders

NMCAN ($10,000) to provide scientific vaccine information and resources to eliminate barriers to vaccination, including monetary incentives and transportation options for young people impacted by foster care, juvenile justice and homelessness, in Bernalillo County

St. Luke’s Health Care Clinic dba Amador Health Center ($25,000) to get COVID-19 tests and vaccines to people from the greater Las Cruces communities who lack access and information, by providing funding for teams that do outreach, marketing, event set-up and education

Success Institute of America ($10,000) to distribute information to young, unvaccinated African Americans in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties that encourages vaccination by dispelling myths and misinformation, and utilizing a more personal, direct approach with trusted messengers

Taos Immigrant Allies ($10,000) to make personal contact with the immigrant population in Taos County to encourage and help arrange vaccinations, shifting from a 100% volunteer organization to having a part time, bilingual Family Navigator

The Human Body Shop ($25,000) to create pathways and access for vaccine distribution statewide to undocumented immigrants, uninsured, underinsured, and transient communities, as well as to share key Department of Health/ CDC messaging with a purpose of increasing vaccine confidence, develop and buttress established external community partnerships, increase Community Health Worker and community knowledge around vaccinations, and organize vaccine sites and events

University of New Mexico College of Education & Human Sciences ($25,000) to convene a 15-member coalition, engage community health workers/promotoras/promotores de Salud, and cancer patient navigators as trusted messengers for community vaccine promotion activities, provide educational messaging to promote vaccines to 500 plus monolingual Spanish-speakers, and hold one community vaccine event in Albuquerque

Young Men’s Christian Association of El Paso ($25,000) to increase vaccination rates in the next three months for youth aged 12 to 15 years old in Santa Theresa and Sunland Park

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