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Con Alma Health Foundation

2016 Multi-Year

Nov 16, 2016

Con Alma Health Foundation award grants each year to support nonprofits’ efforts to improve their community’s health. Our investments focus on ensuring that all people have full and equal access to opportunities that enable them to lead healthy lives.

While Con Alma is New Mexico’s largest foundation dedicated solely to health, our grants reflect a diversity of strategies and issues. We understand that health is more than healthcare and as such Con Alma defines health broadly to include physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, social, oral, environmental, economic and spiritual well-being.

Whether through our grantmaking, partnerships, research or reports, Con Alma serves as a catalyst for positive, systemic change.  The emphasis of our grantmaking is on attaining long-term policy solutions and health equity.

We believe that together we can make lasting changes that are community-driven and that lift-up New Mexico’s abiding ingenuity.

We congratulate the 2016 Multi-Year Grant Recipients!

Multi-Year Grants, building alliances and capacity to address access and policies that impact underserved populations (4 grants, totaling $200,000)

New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care ($50,000) towards Improving Access to and Confidentiality of Sensitive Services for Adolescents and Others, a coordinated network of more than 120 members and governmental agencies advocating for changing the policies and practices of commercial health-insurance companies to protect the confidentiality of adolescent health care

New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty ($50,000) to the New Mexico Healthcare Access Project, ensuring that low-income individuals have access by removing barriers to enrolling, accessing or renewing Medicaid or Exchange coverage; addressing coverage gaps in healthcare; and promoting healthcare coverage and services for low-income Native American children and families

New Mexico Community Health Worker Association ($50,000) towards Bridging the Health Equity Gap, a collaborative approach for recruiting, training, and mentoring lead health workers with certification and grandfathering efforts of the 2014 Community Health Worker Act while seeking innovative credentialing opportunities with community colleges and others

Vision for Dignity, Access, and Accountability (VIDA) in Healthcare ($50,000) towards establishing a Bernalillo County Health Safety Net for those who remain uninsured and without access to affordable healthcare services by working with organizations in Albuquerque’s South Valley on coalition building and public education on the need to expand access

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