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Con Alma Health Foundation

2014 Small

Nov 10, 2014

Congratulations to the recipients of Con Alma Health Foundation’s 2014 Small Grants.

Coming Home Connection in Santa Fe ($9,000) to partner with the Santa Fe Community College’s School of Nursing to train and place veteran volunteers to provide in-home care services to veterans and their families

Curry County Health Council ($8,000) to improve the health and wellbeing of all Curry County residents and neighborhoods through education and awareness of important health issues

Generation Justice ($10,000) to create an awareness campaign about gaps in behavioral-health care through social media, video and radio productions, a discussion guide and a policy forum

Health Action New Mexico ($8,000) to examine health-insurance enrollment in southern New Mexico to determine gaps and recommend improvements, including educating people how to enroll in the new health insurance opportunities in New Mexico

Las Cumbres Community Services ($10,000) to provide direct services, training and advocacy to support reunification of parents with their children when possible and curb the growing trend of grandparents as caregivers while ensuring the safety of grandchildren

New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils ($12,000) to educate policy makers about community health, health equity and the importance of health councils and secure funding to support the work of health councils throughout the state

New Mexico Community AIDS Partnership ($8,000) to help health care providers in northwestern New Mexico provide culturally competent and clinically excellent care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer patients

New Mexico Direct Caregivers Coalition ($10,000) to develop online educational courses for caregivers and a program that matches caregivers with employers and people needing care statewide

Pegasus Legal Services for Children ($10,000) Using youth-friendly print materials and social media to educate rural and urban youth about their rights to access health and mental-health services

Santa Fe Project Access ($8,000) to conduct a statewide assessment of hospital policies for charging uninsured individuals for care and make recommendations to improve access to care and promote transparency

Senior Citizens’ Law Office ($10,000) to provide targeted outreach and education and individual advocacy to low-income seniors in central New Mexico to ensure they are enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid and prescription-drug programs

Think New Mexico ($12,000) to support an initiative involving researching, developing and advocating for a public policy solution to make health-care pricing and quality information easily accessible to New Mexico communities

Young Women United ($10,000) to address disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes in New Mexico by increasing awareness and access to homebirth and midwifery model of care

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