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Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group


Oct 31, 2012

Congratulations to the recipients of 2012 Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group grants!

(click the link in the grantee’s name to see their website!)

Boys and Girls Club del Norte, $15,000 to educate children and families in Chimayo on making healthy choices through the Healthy Habits for Life and Triple Play programs

Cancer Services of New Mexico, $10,000 to educate cancer patients/survivors and their caregivers about cancer treatment and survival through family cancer retreats

Coming Home Connection, $11,500 to train and place community volunteers to provide free and low-cost homecare to families in Los Alamos and Rio Arriba counties

Family Strengths Network, $6,500 for We Help Ourselves, which teaches children and youth how to be safe at home and school, in Los Alamos County public schools

The Family YMCA, $20,000 to support the Española YMCA Teen Center through activities that promote healthy lifestyles for teenagers

Interfaith LEAP, $15,000 to provide substance prevention and access to behavioral health care services for youth and families in Rio Arriba County

Las Cumbres Community Services, $15,000 to support and expand services for grandparents raising grandchildren in Rio Arriba County

Los Alamos Lions Club, $12,000 to support a regional eye screening program for children ages 3-8 and support for adults and children that cannot afford eye exams

New Mexico Suicide Intervention Project, $10,000 to increase awareness of youth suicide risk factors and interventions available in Los Alamos County

Self Help, $10,000 to support its Immigrant Health Initiative providing advocacy and case management for immigrant clients serving Los Alamos and Rio Arriba counties.

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