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Con Alma Health Foundation

COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project Grant Recipients

Nov 20, 2020

Con Alma Health Foundation was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) as part of its $50 million effort to provide humanitarian aid to help some of the families and communities feeling the greatest strain under the COVID-19 health emergency. Using a health equity lens, Con Alma has awarded grants to address short term needs in New Mexico as a result of COVID-19, and to focus on long-term policy and systemic change strategies that address health disparities and advance health equity as part of an equitable recovery.

COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project37 grants awarded to date totaling $770,000.

We congratulate the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project Grant Recipients!

Asian American Association of NM ($20,000) to provide grocery cards and set up volunteer-driven delivery services to approximately 200 more Asian Pacific American families, primarily in Central New Mexico

Casa de Peregrinos, Inc. ($15,000) to provide monthly nutritious food distributions to low-income families in Doña Ana County and surrounding rural communities through the Food Security program

Catron Food Pantries ($10,000) to expand current sources and distribution of nutritious food for people who are food insecure in Catron County and the surrounding areas

Center for Health Innovation-Public Health Institute ($30,000) to improve capacity for COVID-19 response by training a diverse, credentialed, affordable, and culturally and linguistically appropriate public-health workforce in rural counties impacted by the pandemic

El Calvario United Methodist Church ($20,000) to provide rent, mortgage, medical, food and utility assistance through the Immigrant Relief Fund to families in Doña Ana County and surrounding rural communities

First Nations Community HealthSource ($20,000) to provide shelter resources, protection kits, behavioral counseling, burial assistance, COVID-19 education, and socially distanced spiritual support and tribal ceremonies to Native Americans in New Mexico through the Traditional Wellness program

Health Action NM ($30,000) to convene community leaders and groups engaged with vulnerable populations statewide in monthly virtual meetings to discuss existing grassroots work for COVID-19 relief, identify gaps and obstacles in accessing relief, and support collaborative action solutions

Healthy Futures ($15,000) to provide educational support, agricultural technical assistance, materials and starter seeds to Diné families and farmers in rural areas of the Navajo Nation

Indian Country Grassroots Support ($20,000) to support distribution of water and produce from the Shiprock Traditional Farmer Cooperative to Shiprock Northern Navajo Agency communities within the Navajo Nation in San Juan County

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center ($20,000) to distribute food and supplies through the Pueblo Relief Fund to mitigate hunger and infection among the pueblos

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center ($22,000) to coordinate distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) to New Mexico’s 19 sovereign Pueblos in coordination with FEMA and the Pueblo Relief Fund’s connections and networks

Indigenous Lifeways ($20,000) towards co-leading McKinley Mutual Aid to purchase, package and deliver food from Native-led businesses, to community members in need across McKinley County, including three tribal nations (Navajo Nation, Ramah Navajo and Zuni Pueblo)

Indigenous Lifeways ($40,000) to strengthen McKinley Mutual Aid’s organizational foundation; develop a website and apps to share COVID-19 testimonials; and conduct meetings in McKinley County to identify gaps in resources and services and give recommendations and testimonies to decision makers

Kitchen Angels ($20,000) to deliver freshly prepared and nutritious meals  to chronically ill and homebound individuals who are required to self-quarantine or are at high risk  in Santa Fe and surrounding rural communities

La Casa, Inc. ($20,000) to provide transitional housing settings and supportive services to individuals and families living in abusive home situations in Doña Ana County and surrounding rural communities

La Semilla Food Center ($15,000) to support frontline workers and farmers to safely harvest, aggregate, package, and deliver fruits, vegetables and shelf-stable products to Farm Share participants, including youth, teachers, elders, and families in southern New Mexico

Luciente, Inc. ($20,000) to distribute food to 46 families weekly in Abiquiu, Cañones, Youngsville, Coyote and Gallina during the summer and provide open food pantries in the fall at Abiquiu Elementary School and Coronado High School

Mandy’s Special Farm ($20,000) to provide an increased differential to employees providing in-home caregiving services to individuals in Bernalillo County with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Mora Valley Community Health Services, Inc. ($20,000) to provide COVID-9 testing, purchase and distribute PPE, and distribute food boxes to the elderly in Mora County

National Center for Frontier Communities ($20,000) to hire a half-time coordinator in Grant County to facilitate navigation of emergency services, identify community needs, convene collaborators, develop a community process and plan to apply for grants, and co-create a vision for a healthy Grant County

National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project, Inc. ($20,000) to provide 250 underserved Native American families with grocery store gift cards for three months, distribute hand sanitizer and masks, coordinate organizations providing relief, and offer youth-development activities to marginalized youth and their families in McKinley County and surrounding areas

New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils ($30,000) to serve as a statewide hub to increase the capacity of health councils to address COVID-19 by assessing short-term needs and compiling an assessment of the larger, long-term community needs as communities recover from COVID

New Mexico Black Leadership Council ($25,000) to provide leadership, administrative, technical, and communication services to Black-focused social-profit organizations in central and northern New Mexico to increase access to quality and culturally appropriate health services and support an equitable recovery from the pandemic

New Mexico Center on Law & Poverty ($20,000) to inform individuals about their rights to housing and income supports; provide legal assistance to clients facing evictions; and promote changes in programs and policies that help families access stable, affordable housing and emergency income programs in Bernalillo County and across the state

New Mexico Community AIDS Partnership ($15,000) towards Comida Buena to serve healthy, nutritious food via four food pantries to people living with HIV in Albuquerque, Farmington, Las Cruces, and Roswell

New Mexico First ($30,000) to staff diverse action teams to implement a consensus-backed plan that would advance improvements in health-related workforce issues, food security and local food systems; prevent and respond to trauma; and strengthen a continuum of care in underserved communities across New Mexico

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center ($20,000) to continue and expand COVID-19 response services for immigrants in Bernalillo County and across state, by providing direct assistance, and legal representation, information and advocacy, including for immigrants in detention centers

New Mexico Veteran’s Integration Centers ($10,000) to provide a modified intensive outpatient approach layered with long-standing housing programs and on-site mental-health counseling services to veterans in Bernalillo County and across the state

Not Forgotten Outreach ($20,000) towards increasing access to behavioral- and alternative-health services to veterans and military families and improving food security by providing local, healthy food to school districts in Taos County

Roberta’s Place, Inc. ($10,000) towards providing temporary quarantine shelter and lifesaving services to survivors of domestic violence in Cibola County, including the Laguna, Acoma and Ramah Indian reservations

Solace Crisis Treatment Center ($20,000) towards the Bilingual Advocacy Expansion Project to ensure access to safe housing, food, clothing and funds for living expenses for immigrant and Spanish-speaking families whose child has experienced sexual violence or other crimes in Santa Fe County and surrounding areas

The Salvation Army of Hobbs ($15,000) to provide food boxes, hygiene kits, eviction protection, case management and navigation services to vulnerable Lea County residents

Sky Center/NM Suicide Intervention Project ($7,500) to provide social, behavioral-health counseling, and crisis services to 100 youth and families at high risk for suicide, family conflict, and trauma related issues in Santa Fe County

Three Sisters Kitchen ($20,000) towards expanding the ReFresh program by providing bi-weekly fresh and staple food boxes from local food producers and nutrition education to 150 food-insecure Albuquerque households

Truchas Services Center Inc. ($7,500) to distribute food from the Food Depot and Española and Pojoaque markets twice a month to members of the Truchas village and surrounding communities

United Way of Eastern NM, Inc. ($15,000) to extend available rent and utility assistance to families in Curry and Eddy counties facing eviction and power/water shut off

United Way of Eddy County ($20,000) towards an Emergency Relief Fund that provides assistance with rent, utilities, food, prescription medication and childcare costs, as well as to distribute personal protective equipment to local non-profits and nursing homes in Eddy County

Zuni Youth Enrichment Project ($20,000) to distribute hygiene items and youth wellness kits, including jump ropes and hula hoops for physical activity, fresh produce, gardening materials, and arts and games to Zuni families

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