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Con Alma Health Foundation

2016 Technical Assistance

Nov 16, 2016

Con Alma Health Foundation award grants each year to support nonprofits’ efforts to improve their community’s health. Our investments focus on ensuring that all people have full and equal access to opportunities that enable them to lead healthy lives.

While Con Alma is New Mexico’s largest foundation dedicated solely to health, our grants reflect a diversity of strategies and issues. We understand that health is more than healthcare and as such Con Alma defines health broadly to include physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, social, oral, environmental, economic and spiritual well-being.

Whether through our grantmaking, partnerships, research or reports, Con Alma serves as a catalyst for positive, systemic change.  The emphasis of our grantmaking is on attaining long-term policy solutions and health equity.

We believe that together we can make lasting changes that are community-driven and that lift-up New Mexico’s abiding ingenuity.

We congratulate the 2016 Technical Assistance Grant Recipients! (10 grants, totaling $100,000)

Abrazos Family Support Services ($10,000) for an early intervention multi-agency training on culturally sensitive child developmental assessment tool for improved outcomes in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia counties

Angel Flight West – New Mexico Wing ($10,000) to create an open-source map for use by hospitals, clinics, service professionals, and patients to access free and discounted transportation resources for travel to medical appointments

Coming Home Connection ($10,000) to develop an organizational sustainability plan that addresses the executive transition of the founder while supporting the replication of its volunteer homecare program

Community Partnership for Children ($10,000) to support a Grant County early childcare collaboration by developing a shared services network that increases capacity to share common business functions and curriculum

Down Syndrome Foundation of Southeastern New Mexico ($10,000) to help build the capacity of medical professionals and families by bringing together Down Syndrome specialists as part of a health and wellness program

El Valle Community Center ($10,000) to build capacity of board and core volunteers in effective governance and fiduciary policies and volunteer management, and to conduct a participatory strategic plan in this rural community

New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils ($10,000) to strengthen the work of county and tribal health councils by building on successful practices and by serving as backbone organizations in their communities

New Mexico Association of Grantmakers ($10,000) to publish Philanthropy in New Mexico, a strategic planning tool for stakeholders in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors that looks at the state’s current and future outlook in giving trends

New Mexico Community Data Collaborative ($10,000) to build the capacity to analyze, display visual data, create narratives, share tools, sources, collaborate and take action by using an online data commons

University of New Mexico College of Education ($10,000) for Building Capacity to Support Behavioral Health for children, a collaboration with Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs, in the four-corners area

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