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Con Alma Health Foundation

2015 Small

Dec 9, 2015

Congratulations to the recipients of Con Alma Health Foundation’s 2015 Small Grants.

Community Partnership for Children ($10,000) to support the next phase of CPC collaborating with Grant County early child-care centers to develop a shared services network that increases the capability of network members by sharing common business functions, allowing each to strengthen their own operations while cutting costs

La Semilla Food Center ($11,000) to further efforts through its Advancing Healthy Food Access in Underserved Communities Project, which addresses health equity in Doña Ana County by focusing on public policy advocacy that increases people’s access to healthy food through community-based advocacy, outreach and education to key policy makers on the importance of Healthy Food Financing Initiatives

New Mexico Behavioral Health Local Collaborative Alliance ($10,000) to support community solutions designed to encourage other organizations that share similar goals to find ways to leverage resources, eliminate duplication, and help identify solutions to challenges that communities face when they need access to services that have changed because of state and federal policies

New Mexico Farmer’s Marketing Association ($10,000) to support and expand Breaking Barriers: COCINA! trainings that promote nutritional health among New Mexico’s underserved with a focus on preventative health and nutrition, healthy eating and technical assistance, including Spanish materials and information about the SNAP Double Up Food Bucks

New Mexico Forum For Youth In Community ($10,000) for the Organizing Youth Engagement’s Deliberative Engagement, Evaluation, and Planning Project designed to bring youth together in a series of region-specific dialogues to develop youth priorities and issue briefs that culminate in plans for community/state-level impact projects

New Mexico State University Foundation ($10,000) to support the Advocacy at Work: Youth Creating Community Change to Improve Health Project designed to address health inequities in Doña Ana County by college undergraduates teaching high school students how to research public-health policy issues and advocate for changes that benefit their communities

New Mexico Voices for Children ($10,000) to conduct a fiscal analysis of the cost-benefits of Medicaid coverage for low-income adults under the Affordable Care Act to determine if continued full implementation of this program increases health care and health outcomes for our most vulnerable populations

Prosperity Works ($10,000) for the Securing a Future for New Mexico’s Children Project to empower 150 families with child development, community leadership and financial capability training; and opportunities to create personal, social and financial assets, which will help address the problem of New Mexico being ranked last in the nation in terms of child wellbeing

San Juan County Partnership ($10,000) to support raising awareness about social determinants of health and health inequities by linking root causes to community action with the ultimate goal to advance health equity through policy change

Santa Fe Public Schools Adelante Program ($10,000) to survey up to 200 homeless families that have mixed and/or undocumented status in the U.S., to identify health-care needs and access to physical and mental health resources for local immigrants, which will provide a baseline and reveal local immigrant families’ health care needs and gaps

Senior Citizens’ Law Office ($10,000) to expand approaches to providing targeted outreach and education, individual legal services and systemic advocacy for rural low-income seniors in Central New Mexico, with a focus on Native American and Hispanic populations, to ensure that they are enrolled in Medicare Savings Programs and the Low-Income Prescription Drug subsidy or receive full Pickle Amendment Medicaid

University of New Mexico KUNM FM 89.9 ($15,000) to support the Public Health New Mexico reporting projectwhich educates the public about how public-health policy impacts them and raises awareness about health inequity by producing call-in-shows, features, investigative stories and web-exclusives about public health and poverty

UNM Community Engagement Center — Dream Team Listo NM Campaign ($10,000) for creating policy change through creative engagement among DREAMers, undocumented youth, children and families through a partnership between DreamTeam and El Puente that captures stories and information about undocumented dreamers, youth in mixed-status families and the health disparities that they encounter, especially regarding mental health

Villa Therese Catholic Clinic ($14,000) for its Marketing to the Underserved Hispanic Community Campaign that increases awareness about services for the uninsured and underserved population through outreach efforts at churches, daycare facilities, food pantries, and distribution of targeted media messages on radio, bus cards, and newspapers reaching the Hispanic population

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