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Apply for a Grant

Grants are awarded each year in support of nonprofits’ efforts to improve their community’s health. The emphasis of our grantmaking is on attaining long-term policy solutions and health equity that is informed by community voices.

2025 Key Dates

Annual & Northern New Mexico Health Grant Cycles

Multi-Year Grant Cycle

Con Alma Annual Grant

Con Alma prioritizes efforts that will impact many individuals within a network, community, or communities – rather than focusing on 1:1 direct service to individuals.

  1. AccessCon Alma supports proposals that focus on access to health and healthcare as well as improving the health status and quality of life for the uninsured and medically underserved in New Mexico.
  2. Culturally Appropriate Services Con Alma supports efforts that aim to reduce health disparities, particularly for rural and tribal communities, immigrant families, and people of color. We support traditional and community-based approaches to health and efforts that support the hardest to reach individuals and communities in New Mexico.
  3. Evaluation/ResearchCon Alma supports data analysis, policy and advocacy, and/or the creation of new knowledge.
  4. Health PromotionCon Alma supports efforts that define health broadly and emphasize education, prevention, and personal empowerment.
  5. Policy Con Alma supports consumer participation in health policy formation and advocacy efforts to improve the health and well-being of people who live in New Mexico.
  6. Workforce DevelopmentCon Alma supports the development of professionals who reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of communities in New Mexico. This includes individuals who are participating in traditional as well as non-traditional training and educational opportunities.

Questions: Email 


    • Political campaigns, political lobbying, or other partisan activities prohibited by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    • Support to individuals, scholarships, or fellowships
    • Capital or endowment campaigns, annual fundraising campaigns, event sponsorships, debt liquidation, or clinical research
    • Grants to organizations that discriminate based on race, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity
    • Grants made for religious purposes
    • Grants for construction, renovation, or repairs

Stage 1: A staff review for completeness and eligibility.

Stage 2: A community review committee comprised of individuals from around the state rates each application based on its strengths and views is from a technical sense. The Community Reviewers recommend top applications to the Con Alma Grant Making Committee. 

Stage 3: The Con Alma Grant Making Committee looks deeper into the alignment of the application with the Foundation’s values and grantmaking goals and scores all applications. 

The GMC recommends a slate of applications for approval to the Board of Trustees for final ratification.

Required Attachments

2024 Grant Recipients

  1. Proposal Budget. All applicants are required to complete the budget form in the CAHF online grant portal. See the FAQs for more detail on what information to prepare.
  2. Organizational Budget. All applicants are required to upload a copy of the organization’s general operating budget, showing all funding sources and major expense categories, for the most current fiscal year.
  3. Tribal Support Letter. Organizations working directly with sovereign nations, pueblos, or tribal communities or within their jurisdictions must upload a letter of support from a community-based tribal group or from the tribe(s)/nation(s) within which they will be working as an attachment to the application. ***

*** If additional time is needed to secure the required documentation, follow these steps:

  • At the time of application submission, upload a note/letter noting the reason for the delay.
  • If required documents are not uploaded by the agreed upon extension due date, the application will not be considered.

How to Apply

CAHF online grant portal. See the FAQs for more detail on what information to prepare

  • Log into CAHF Grant Portal

  • On the home screen, find the “My Applications” section and click on “Funding Opportunities.” If you have already started an application you will find it in the “In Progress” list.

  • Applicants new to Con Alma must first register and create an organizational profile. You may find instructional videos for this process here.

Questions: Email

Con Alma Annual Grants must benefit people living in New Mexico including all 33 counties, rural, tribal and frontier communities.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grants are awarded to tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations under Section 501(c)(3) Code of the Internal Revenue Service or to Fiscal Sponsors with a 501(c)(3) designation.
  • Organizations applying for a multi-year grant must demonstrate at least 3 years of successful programing to submit an LOI. 
  • This opportunity is open to all eligible applicants (based on the guidelines outlined), including current and past grant recipients of Con Alma Health Foundation.    
  • Work funded by the grant must benefit people living in New Mexico.
  • Priority communities in New Mexico:
  • Communities historically marginalized because of race, language, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs
  • Immigrant, rural, and border communities
  • Low-income and economically under-resourced communities
  • People suffering from chronic health conditions and trauma-related health inequities
  • People who are uninsured, underinsured, and/or medically underserved
  • Con Alma funds requests that have the potential to benefit many members in a system, network, or community (vs. individual needs).

Applying With a Fiscal Sponsor

  • Projects, non-profits, public or a governmental agency or a federally recognized tribe in the state of New Mexico without IRS 501(c)(3) designation may apply through a fiscal sponsor.
  • If using a fiscal sponsor, the organization serving as fiscal sponsor must have verifiable 501(c)(3) status from the IRS and a current organization profile in Con Alma’s grant portal.

Applicants may request $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, or $30,000 for one year of support. The Foundation anticipates funding up to $800,000 total.

More Information to be released shortly. 

Contact:  Linda Candelaria at

Meeting Information

Tuesday, April 29th – 10 am

Meeting ID: 897 6065 5257

Wednesday, April 30th 2pm

Meeting ID: 845 4076 5991

Additionally, informal question and answer sessions will be hosted on:

Wednesday, May 14th 9am

Meeting ID: 882 0149 8203

Thursday, May 22nd 2pm

Meeting ID: 872 3533 4045


Questions: Email

Multi-Year Grant

Con Alma Health Foundation’s Multi-Year grants support long-term systemic change to address health inequities, encompassing all social determinants of health.

Six Priority Areas

Con Alma prioritizes efforts that will impact many individuals within a network, community, or communities – rather than focusing on 1:1 direct service to individuals.

  1. AccessCon Alma supports proposals that focus on access to health and healthcare as well as improving the health status and quality of life for the uninsured and medically underserved in New Mexico.
  2. Culturally Appropriate Services Con Alma supports efforts that aim to reduce health disparities, particularly for rural and tribal communities, immigrant families, and people of color. We support traditional and community-based approaches to health and efforts that support the hardest to reach individuals and communities in New Mexico.
  3. Evaluation/ResearchCon Alma supports data analysis, policy and advocacy, and/or the creation of new knowledge.
  4. Health PromotionCon Alma supports efforts that define health broadly and emphasize education, prevention, and personal empowerment.
  5. Policy Con Alma supports consumer participation in health policy formation and advocacy efforts to improve the health and well-being of people who live in New Mexico.
  6. Workforce DevelopmentCon Alma supports the development of professionals who reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of communities in New Mexico. This includes individuals who are participating in traditional as well as non-traditional training and educational opportunities.

Questions: Email


  • Political campaigns, political lobbying, or other partisan activities prohibited by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Support to individuals, scholarships, or fellowships
  • Capital or endowment campaigns, annual fundraising campaigns, event sponsorships, debt liquidation, or clinical research
  • Grants to organizations that discriminate based on race, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity
  • Grants made for religious purposes
  • Grants for construction, renovation, or repairs

Questions: Email

Letters of Intent Review Process

CAHF’s LOI review process consists of two stages. First, staff conduct an initial review to confirm eligibility. Next, the LOIs are evaluated based on their potential to drive long-term systemic change. Approximately 20 organizations will be selected from this review process and invited to submit a full application. (see appendices for reviewer rubrics)

Full Application Review Process

Only invited organizations will submit a full application. Once received, staff will review to ensure completeness. The Multi-Year Grant Making Committee will then evaluate each application, scoring them based on alignment with CAHF’s values and grantmaking goals. (see appendices for reviewer rubrics)



  • On the home screen, find the “My Applications” section and click on “Funding Opportunities.” If you have already started an application, you will find it in the “In Progress” list.
  • Applicants new to CAHF must first register and create an organizational profile.

See the Download tab for the LOI questions and FAQs.

Organizations that are invited to apply will receive an invitation to apply by May 28th in the CAHF online grant portal.

FULL APPLICATION REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS – Only those that advance from the LOI stage and receive an invitation to apply.

  1. Proposal Budget. All applicants are required to complete the budget form in the CAHF online grant portal.  A three-year budget will be required.  See the FAQs for more detail on what information to prepare.
  2. Organizational Budget. All applicants are required to upload a copy of the organization’s general operating budget, showing all funding sources and major expense categories, for the most current fiscal year.
  3. Tribal Support Letter. Organizations working directly with sovereign nations, pueblos, or tribal communities or within their jurisdictions must upload a letter of support from a community-based tribal group or from the tribe(s)/nation(s) within which they will be working as an attachment to the application.

If additional time is needed to secure the required documentation, follow these steps:

  • At the time of application submission, upload a note/letter noting the reason for the delay.
  • If required documents are not uploaded by the agreed upon extension due date, the application will not be considered.
  1. Last 3 years of financial Audit Summary letter: Upload Audit Summaries for the most recent 3 years – if you were not required to file an audit in any of the previous 3 year, please upload a document attesting the year(s) they were not required.


Con Alma Annual Grants must benefit people living in New Mexico including all 33 counties, rural, tribal and frontier communities.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Grants are awarded to tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations under Section 501(c)(3) Code of the Internal Revenue Service or to Fiscal Sponsors with a 501(c)(3) designation.
  2. Organizations applying for a multi-year grant must demonstrate at least 3 years of successful programing to submit an LOI. 
  3. This opportunity is open to all eligible applicants (based on the guidelines outlined), including current and past grant recipients of CAHF.    
  4. Work funded by the grant must benefit people living in New Mexico.
  5. Priority communities in New Mexico:
  • Communities historically marginalized because of race, language, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs
  • Immigrant, rural, and border communities
  • Low-income and economically under-resourced communities
  • People suffering from chronic health conditions and trauma-related health inequities
  • People who are uninsured, underinsured, and/or medically underserved
  1. CAHF funds proposals that have the potential to benefit many members in a system, network, or community (vs. individual needs).


Applying With a Fiscal Sponsor

  • Projects, non-profits, public or a governmental agency or a federally recognized tribe in the state of New Mexico without IRS 501(c)(3) designation may apply through a fiscal sponsor.
  • If using a fiscal sponsor, the organization serving as fiscal sponsor must have verifiable 501(c)(3) status from the IRS and an organization profile in Con Alma’s grant portal.
  • Organizations applying must still be able to demonstrate 3 years of successful programming.

Request amounts

Applicants may request $30,000, $40,000 or $50,000 for each year of support for up to 3 years. Grant will total up to $150,000 over a 3-year time period.

Con Alma anticipates funding up to $300,000 total in multi-year grants in 2025.

Questions: Email


Use of Funds / Allowable Costs

  • CAHF will award grants of up to $50,000 each year for up to 3 years.
  • Funds may be used for personnel (staffing/benefits), professional services (contractors, evaluators), operational expenses (supplies, printing, postage, copying, communications), meetings and travel (venue rental, training costs), and other direct and indirect expenses. 
  • Purchases of property or equipment are limited to $5,000 per item.

CAHF Information Sessions (Multi-Year Grant LOI)

Organizations wishing to submit an LOI are welcome to attend optional Zoom sessions offered on the following dates:

Wednesday, April 2nd at 10:00 AM –
Meeting ID: 249 923 8393

Thursday, April 3rd at 2:00 PM
Meeting ID: 249 923 8393

CAHF Question & Answer Sessions (no formal information share) (Multi-Year Grant LOI)

Tuesday, April 8th at 9:00 AM
Meeting ID: 249 923 8393

Wednesday, April 9th at 1:00 PM
Meeting ID: 249 923 8393

How to contact the Foundation

For all grant related questions, please email:

Northern New Mexico Health Grant

Con Alma prioritizes efforts that will impact many individuals within a network, community, or communities – rather than focusing on 1:1 direct service to individuals.

  1. AccessCon Alma supports proposals that focus on access to health and healthcare as well as improving the health status and quality of life for the uninsured and medically underserved in New Mexico.
  2. Culturally Appropriate Services Con Alma supports efforts that aim to reduce health disparities, particularly for rural and tribal communities, immigrant families, and people of color. We support traditional and community-based approaches to health and efforts that support the hardest to reach individuals and communities in New Mexico.
  3. Evaluation/ResearchCon Alma supports data analysis, policy and advocacy, and/or the creation of new knowledge.
  4. Health PromotionCon Alma supports efforts that define health broadly and emphasize education, prevention, and personal empowerment.
  5. Policy Con Alma supports consumer participation in health policy formation and advocacy efforts to improve the health and well-being of people who live in New Mexico.
  6. Workforce DevelopmentCon Alma supports the development of professionals who reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of communities in New Mexico. This includes individuals who are participating in traditional as well as non-traditional training and educational opportunities.


  1. Political campaigns, political lobbying, or other partisan activities prohibited by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

  2. Support to individuals, scholarships, or fellowships

  3. Capital or endowment campaigns, annual fundraising campaigns, event sponsorships, debt liquidation, or clinical research

  4. Grants to organizations that discriminate based on race, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity

  5. Grants made for religious purposes

  6. Grants for construction, renovation, or repairs

Con Alma’s review process consists of three stages.

Stage 1: Staff reviews each application for completeness and eligibility.

Stage 2: A committee, including Con Alma volunteers and Los Alamos Hospital Auxiliary volunteers, evaluates applications based on their strengths and technical merits. The committee then recommends a selection of applications to the CAHF Grant Making Committee.

Stage 3: The Con Alma Grant Making Committee reviews the recommended slate and presents it to the Board of Trustees for final consideration.

At their November meeting, the Board of Trustees ratifies the slate of approvals.


Required Attachments

  1. Proposal Budget. All applicants are required to complete the budget form in the CAHF online grant portal. See the FAQs for more detail on what information to prepare.
  2. Organizational Budget. All applicants are required to upload a copy of the organization’s general operating budget, showing all funding sources and major expense categories, for the most current fiscal year.
  3. Tribal Support Letter. Organizations working directly with sovereign nations, pueblos, or tribal communities or within their jurisdictions must upload a letter of support from a community-based tribal group or from the tribe(s)/nation(s) within which they will be working as an attachment to the application. ***

*** If additional time is needed to secure the required documentation, follow these steps:

  • At the time of application submission, upload a note/letter noting the reason for the delay.
  • If required documents are not uploaded by the agreed upon extension due date, the application will not be considered.

How to Apply

CAHF online grant portal. See the FAQs for more detail on what information to prepare

  • Log into CAHF Grant Portal

  • On the home screen, find the “My Applications” section and click on “Funding Opportunities.” If you have already started an application you will find it in the “In Progress” list.

  • Applicants new to Con Alma must first register and create an organizational profile. You may find instructional videos for this process here.

Questions: Email

Only available to those organizations providing services in the following Northern Counties:

  • Rio Arriba County
  • Los Alamos County
  • Outside of the City limits of Santa Fe County

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grants are awarded to tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations under Section 501(c)(3) Code of the Internal Revenue Service or to Fiscal Sponsors with a 501(c)(3) designation.
  • Organizations applying for a multi-year grant must demonstrate at least 3 years of successful programing to submit an LOI. 
  • This opportunity is open to all eligible applicants (based on the guidelines outlined), including current and past grant recipients of Con Alma Health Foundation.    
  • Work funded by the grant must benefit people living in New Mexico.
  • Priority communities in New Mexico:
    • Communities historically marginalized because of race, language, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs
    • Immigrant, rural, and border communities
    • Low-income and economically under-resourced communities
    • People suffering from chronic health conditions and trauma-related health inequities
    • People who are uninsured, underinsured, and/or medically underserved
  • Con Alma funds requests that have the potential to benefit many members in a system, network, or community (vs. individual needs).

Request Amounts

Applicants may request $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000 for one year of support.

Questions:  Email

  • The Foundation will award grants of up to $20,000.
  • Funds may be used for personnel (staffing/benefits), professional services (contractors, evaluators), operational expenses (supplies, printing, postage, copying, communications), meetings and travel (venue rental, training costs), and other direct and indirect expenses.
  • Purchases of property or equipment are limited to $5,000 per item.
  • 2025 Northern NM Health Grant Guidelines (Coming Soon)
  • 2025 Northern NM Health Grant FAQ (Coming Soon)
  • 2025 Northern NM Health Grant Rubric (Coming Soon)
  • 2025 Northern NM Health Grant Budget Table (Coming Soon)

Questions:  Email

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