Apply for a Grant

Grantee History

2022 General Operating and Project Grants

2022 Technical Assistance

Vaccine Rollout Grant Recipients

Community Rebuild Grant Recipients

2021 General Operating and Project Grants

2021 Technical Assistance

COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project Grant Recipients

COVID-19 Relief for Immigrant Communities Grant Recipients

2020 General Operating and Project Grants

2020 Technical Assistance

2019 Multi-Year

2019 General Operating and Project Grants

2019 Technical Assistance

2018 Multi-Year

2018 Small

2018 Technical Assistance

2017 Multi-Year

2017 Small

2017 Technical Assistance

2016 Multi-Year

2016 Small

2016 Technical Assistance

2015 Small

2014 Small

2014 Multi-Year

2013 Small

2012 Small

2011 Small

2010 Small

2010 Multi-Year

2009 Small





2004 Small

2004 New Target

2004 Renewal Target

2003 Innovative Grant

2003 Target Grants


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