Grant Application Budget Template

Mar 29, 2018

Unless your request is for general operating support*, you’ll need to submit a project budget with your grant application using this Excel spreadsheet template.  You can download the Excel file here: Project Budget Template Spreadsheet

Please also download, read, and USE the instructions by clicking on the picture:


You are also welcome to download a copy of a sample (completed) template here: Sample Completed Budget Template PDF


If you do not have access to Excel to use the spreadsheet file, you can download a .pdf file of the budget format, showing the general organization: Project Budget Template PDF

*If you are applying for general operating support for your organization, we will need only your most current organizational operating budget, which you’ll have to may either upload twice, or upload a blank document titled “placeholder” (preferred) to meet the application requirements. If your application is funded, you’ll be required to provide a projected budget for the coming year as well.

Also NOTE: If initial review of your project indicates we would more likely fund it as a “Project Support” or “Technical Assistance” type application, you will be required to complete and submit the template and submit it separately. If your application is submitted at the last minute, this may cause issues of timely submission to arise. If you are in doubt about which funding type is most appropriate for your application, please contact our Program Director to discuss. (Contact information is in the Guidelines.)

Con Alma Health Foundation - The Heart and Soul of Health in New Mexico

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